Envato Elements gives you unlimited stock photos, videos, vectors, and more for one flat rate. With nearly 2 million stock photos on hand (and growing by the thousands every week) there is something in there for nearly everyone. While stock photos might be what you come for, you’ll be blown away by all the other goodies included with your subscription… ‘
- Photos
- Videos
- Music / Sound Effects
- Graphics / Vectors
- Icons
- Presentation Templates
- Website Templates
- Plugins
- and more!
Why We Love Envato Elements
Hardly a day goes by when I don’t need a photo or graphic of some sort. For a while I used free resources (like Unsplash) but come to find out those aren’t always legit. I then moved to Deposit Photos, which was better, but having to use a credit for each photo kept me hesitant from really getting use out of it and keeping track of licensing was a pain.
Enter Envato Elements.
Envato gives you the freedom of downloading unlimited assets with the best (and easiest!) licensing system I’ve ever seen.
Simply pick your asset, assign it to a project (which you can also have unlimited amounts of) and the license is automatically saved to your account and assigned to your project (most of the time, that’s my customer).
We know you want to license digital assets appropriately for your projects. So we designed the Envato Elements License with the goal of making it really easy for you to do the right thing. – Envato Elements
If you’ve ever got a nasty copyright notice about an image on your website, you know the sinking feeling. But with Envato, you can kiss those days goodbye!
I can’t imagine doing my job without it, and after 2 years now, it’s a renewal I’m happy to pay each time.