Live on June 14th, 2024 at 9am PST • 12pm EST • 5pm GMT

Vitality – Part 1: Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Vitality: a 5-Part Webinar Series Decoding Core Web Vitals

Vitality Ttfb

About the event

Navigating the world of Core Web Vitals can sometimes feel like deciphering a secret code — one where understanding the nuances can make or break your website’s performance. With Google’s ever-evolving standards, mastering these metrics is not just nice-to-have, it’s critical for every developer who wants a website that performs.

Welcome to the first session of Vitality: A 5-Part Webinar Series Decoding Core Web Vitals, hosted by Kyle Van Deusen with expert guest Brian Jackson from Perfmatters.

Each session, we’ll dive deep into the your vitals and the metrics that affect them most, starting at the beginning with Time to First Byte (TTFB).

Why TTFB? Understanding and optimizing TTFB is essential because it sets the pace for loading times and affects how quickly your content reaches your users. It’s not just a metric; it’s the foundation of a high-performance website.

In this session, we’ll cover:

???? The Basics of TTFB: What it is and why it matters more than you think.

???? Deep Dive into Factors Affecting TTFB: DNS lookups, server response, networking latency, caching — oh my!

???? Practical Optimizations: Step-by-step guidance on reducing TTFB with caching strategies, server configuration, and more.

This session is not just about understanding TTFB but mastering it to ensure your site starts strong. Whether you’re dealing with a portfolio site or a large e-commerce platform, the principles we’ll discuss are universally applicable and will set the stage for improving subsequent Core Web Vitals.

Register below to join us live on June 14th to ask questions, gain insights, and discover how to improve your website’s TTFB woes!

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