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CSS-Only Modal with GenerateBlocks

After posting about making a simple tooltip in GenerateBlocks, I guess my new quest is to figure out how to do everything I need (that’s not currently in GenerateBlocks) manually, on my …

Animated tooltip in GenerateBlocks cover image

Creating Animated Tooltips in GenerateBlocks

I recently found myself in a position where I needed to add some tooltips for more context to a row of buttons. Unfortunately, there’s no settings inside GenerateBlocks to add tooltips, and …

robots working with laptop

Are AI copywriters actually any good?

You’ve probably already heard the buzz around AI copywriting software.  Designed to help content creators, marketers, agency owners, and social media managers streamline and increase their content production output, agencies all over …

oxy curious replay


Get the skinny on the most lightweight page builder for WordPress — The Oxygen Builder

Cancel Hero

5 Tools for Tracking Your Subscriptions

I recently made a post of a meme on The Admin Bar community, the meme was about canceling free trials before they charge you, and it seemed to resonate with a quite …

person using pen to sign document

How Termageddon Helps Me Win Clients

When I first started speaking with Hans and Donata, the fantastic folks behind Termageddon, my mind was racing with all the ways that I could easily (and affordably) use their service to …

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Simple Responsive Font Size Calculator

Using this calculator is actually very simple. All you need to do before using the Simple Responsive Font Size Calculator is determine the pt size of the body copy on your website. …